Wednesday, January 30, 2008
The rights of disabled people are constantly being challenged, and a new discovery in technology where a child's growth can be stopped is another right being taken away from some chidren. There are arguments for doing this procedure, but they are ristricting disabled people's rights because they are not able to make this life altering decision by themselves.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Essay 3: Argumentative
Let Me Grow
Why should some people not have the right to grow and develop like they were meant to? A recent procedure done with disabled people is taking away the right of them to grow and develop how they are suppose to. This procedure is really new and has not been used very much. The procedure is to inject the body of a disabled child with hormones and drugs that make them stop growing and developing. When this is done to a female child they also use drugs to keep her from becoming a woman. The young girl will not be able to grow and develop into a mature woman.
This topic is being debated on whether it is right or wrong to do this to a child who has no idea what will happen to them. These poor children will be the size of a young child for their whole lives. People will constantly think that they are younger than what they really are. This could become annoying for them. Their stunted development will cause them to get treated and lookeddown upon as a child for their whole life. Not many middle aged adults can say that they would like people to treat them as if they were six years old. It would be degrading to do this to someone, so why should it be ok for this to happen to a children suffering from a disability. People with disabilities often get treated differently and talked to as a child even when it is clear to see that they are obviously an adult. Why should this have to happen to them even more, because their guardian choose to stunt their growth as a child to make it “easier” for them.
The point that is argued for this procedure is that by stunting the child’s growth it would be easier to care for them. It is true that it would be easier to care for a smaller person in certain ways. It would be easier to move them around and easier to help them with daily tasks. This is true, but it is not very hard to do these things with normal sized adults. There are certain ways for helping taller and larger people. The people caring for these disabled people need to have the training to do these things and once they know how it is actually quite easy. For some things, it would actually be easier to do them on a regular sized person. Things such as having them eat at a table, sit in a chair, and even bathing depending on the situation.
Disabled people should not have to deal with another thing that sets them apart from others especially when it is something that does not need to be done. They put up with a lot of out casting and being stared at because of their disabilities alone. They do not need to have another thing added to the list.
Why should some people not have the right to grow and develop like they were meant to? A recent procedure done with disabled people is taking away the right of them to grow and develop how they are suppose to. This procedure is really new and has not been used very much. The procedure is to inject the body of a disabled child with hormones and drugs that make them stop growing and developing. When this is done to a female child they also use drugs to keep her from becoming a woman. The young girl will not be able to grow and develop into a mature woman.
This topic is being debated on whether it is right or wrong to do this to a child who has no idea what will happen to them. These poor children will be the size of a young child for their whole lives. People will constantly think that they are younger than what they really are. This could become annoying for them. Their stunted development will cause them to get treated and lookeddown upon as a child for their whole life. Not many middle aged adults can say that they would like people to treat them as if they were six years old. It would be degrading to do this to someone, so why should it be ok for this to happen to a children suffering from a disability. People with disabilities often get treated differently and talked to as a child even when it is clear to see that they are obviously an adult. Why should this have to happen to them even more, because their guardian choose to stunt their growth as a child to make it “easier” for them.
The point that is argued for this procedure is that by stunting the child’s growth it would be easier to care for them. It is true that it would be easier to care for a smaller person in certain ways. It would be easier to move them around and easier to help them with daily tasks. This is true, but it is not very hard to do these things with normal sized adults. There are certain ways for helping taller and larger people. The people caring for these disabled people need to have the training to do these things and once they know how it is actually quite easy. For some things, it would actually be easier to do them on a regular sized person. Things such as having them eat at a table, sit in a chair, and even bathing depending on the situation.
Disabled people should not have to deal with another thing that sets them apart from others especially when it is something that does not need to be done. They put up with a lot of out casting and being stared at because of their disabilities alone. They do not need to have another thing added to the list.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Draft two: Expository
Fight for Everyone’s Rights
Disabled people have been fighting for their rights for a long time. They have always been treated differently and unfairly. The rights of disabled people have come a long ways, but there are still many things that need to be done. There have been a lot of laws put in place to help protect the rights of the disabled people. I do not know very many of these at the moment, but I am planning on researching them later. Many people who are physically or mentally disabled often cannot stand up for themselves and voice what they want. These people are often taken advantage of and the sad thing is many people do not even realize it.
A practice that is taking place in the United States is to stop the growth hormones of young disabled children. By doing this, these children never get the chance to grow to normal size. This is violating the right of these children to grow and develop like they were meant to. These children are not capable of stopping their parents and doctors from making this life changing decision.
Another common place where disabled people have their rights taken away from them is in a group home or a nursing home. It is probably necessary for these people to be in these types of places and they probably do not have a problem with it. Where the rights are being challenged are in everyday tasks. Simple things like having their day completely planned out for them everyday can violate their rights. It is good that these places plan activities and keep the people involved and active, but sometimes someone might not want to participate in one of the planned activities. Everyone should have the simple right to say no I do not want to do that, but many times the people in the homes have no choice. They have to do it whether they like it or not.
Disabled people have been fighting for their rights for a long time. They have always been treated differently and unfairly. The rights of disabled people have come a long ways, but there are still many things that need to be done. There have been a lot of laws put in place to help protect the rights of the disabled people. I do not know very many of these at the moment, but I am planning on researching them later. Many people who are physically or mentally disabled often cannot stand up for themselves and voice what they want. These people are often taken advantage of and the sad thing is many people do not even realize it.
A practice that is taking place in the United States is to stop the growth hormones of young disabled children. By doing this, these children never get the chance to grow to normal size. This is violating the right of these children to grow and develop like they were meant to. These children are not capable of stopping their parents and doctors from making this life changing decision.
Another common place where disabled people have their rights taken away from them is in a group home or a nursing home. It is probably necessary for these people to be in these types of places and they probably do not have a problem with it. Where the rights are being challenged are in everyday tasks. Simple things like having their day completely planned out for them everyday can violate their rights. It is good that these places plan activities and keep the people involved and active, but sometimes someone might not want to participate in one of the planned activities. Everyone should have the simple right to say no I do not want to do that, but many times the people in the homes have no choice. They have to do it whether they like it or not.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Smoking kills you, me, and the trees!!!!

The purpose of this ad is to try and get people to quit smoking. The audience would be people who are smoke and probably younger adults. The message is to get people to stop smoking.
I think this ad is pretty funny, but I don't think that is ad is going to actually get people to stop smoking. Everyone knows that smoking is bad and can cause health problems, but it is going to take more than one ad to stop something when you are addicted to it. I really like the surgeon general warning. All in all this ad is humorous, but I don't think it is actually going to get people to stop smoking. It does, however; make people think about smoking and its dangers.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Draft one: The Expressive
Rights of Disabled
I have worked with disabled people for about a year now, so I feel I have a good view on the lives of disabled people living in group homes. One thing that really bothers me is how some people don’t know how to treat and or act around disabled people. Disabled people have rights just like you and I. They have the right to express their thoughts and opinions just like everyone us. They may have different ways of doing so depending on what their disability is.
One right in particular I would like to focus on is their right to grow and develop as they should. A newer procedure that is being used on a few disabled children is the stopping of the growth hormone. Some families are choosing to keep their children small, so it is easier to care for them. Also, for girls, some families choose to stop their periods so they will never go through menstruation. From working in a situation where I cared for disabled people, I can see how families would think it would be easier to care for their children. It would defiantly be easier transferring them from wheelchair to other places. If you really think about what is happening to these children, however; one should see that it is unethical to do so. By stopping their growth, these children are having a right taken away from them that they do not even know they have.
I think that the rights of disabled people are constantly being challenged, because sometimes they cannot stand up for themselves. Disabled people are often taken advantage of and people do not even realize it. A lot of times their families put them into a group home because they are not able to take care of them. In these group homes, disabled people are often forced to do things they do not want to such as take part in group activities or work in a sheltered workshop. I think that all people should be able to have the choice in what they want to do unless they abuse the privilege.
I have worked with disabled people for about a year now, so I feel I have a good view on the lives of disabled people living in group homes. One thing that really bothers me is how some people don’t know how to treat and or act around disabled people. Disabled people have rights just like you and I. They have the right to express their thoughts and opinions just like everyone us. They may have different ways of doing so depending on what their disability is.
One right in particular I would like to focus on is their right to grow and develop as they should. A newer procedure that is being used on a few disabled children is the stopping of the growth hormone. Some families are choosing to keep their children small, so it is easier to care for them. Also, for girls, some families choose to stop their periods so they will never go through menstruation. From working in a situation where I cared for disabled people, I can see how families would think it would be easier to care for their children. It would defiantly be easier transferring them from wheelchair to other places. If you really think about what is happening to these children, however; one should see that it is unethical to do so. By stopping their growth, these children are having a right taken away from them that they do not even know they have.
I think that the rights of disabled people are constantly being challenged, because sometimes they cannot stand up for themselves. Disabled people are often taken advantage of and people do not even realize it. A lot of times their families put them into a group home because they are not able to take care of them. In these group homes, disabled people are often forced to do things they do not want to such as take part in group activities or work in a sheltered workshop. I think that all people should be able to have the choice in what they want to do unless they abuse the privilege.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
A little about me!
My name is Stacy, and I am a sophomore pre-Occupational Therapy student. I am originally from a small town about 70 miles from here called Bridgewater. I enjoy hanging out with friends, spending time with my boyfriend, eating, dancing, playing volleyball, singing to the radio, and just having fun being random. I do not often have time to do much reading. I have a very busy schedule so unfortunately reading books often gets pushed aside.
When it comes to writing, I usually like to write the whole thing in one sitting and then come back to it a little while later to revise it. I am a little apprehensive about writing about a topic related to my major this semester. I am not quite sure what I want to write about, but hopefully I can come up with something that is really interesting to me.
Well, that is a little about me. I can't wait to meet everyone in class next week.
My name is Stacy, and I am a sophomore pre-Occupational Therapy student. I am originally from a small town about 70 miles from here called Bridgewater. I enjoy hanging out with friends, spending time with my boyfriend, eating, dancing, playing volleyball, singing to the radio, and just having fun being random. I do not often have time to do much reading. I have a very busy schedule so unfortunately reading books often gets pushed aside.
When it comes to writing, I usually like to write the whole thing in one sitting and then come back to it a little while later to revise it. I am a little apprehensive about writing about a topic related to my major this semester. I am not quite sure what I want to write about, but hopefully I can come up with something that is really interesting to me.
Well, that is a little about me. I can't wait to meet everyone in class next week.
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