Sunday, February 10, 2008

How is class?


I think class is going well. I enjoy writing about the topic I chose. This is good since I have to write about it for the whole semester. I also find using this blogger thing kind of interesting. I have never had a class that required a blogger. I think it is a good way to use technology and not waste as much paper. I never liked printing every little thing out. It felt like a huge waste.
I also find class pretty entertaining. It is hard to make an English class fun, but I think you are doing it. Kudos to PHIL!!!
As far as the peer review workshop went, I thought it was pretty good. I have never done peer review like that before. I usually just had to read 1 or 2 papers and comment on them and so on. I think having your paper read to you is good, because you pick up on a lot of grammar errors that you wouldn’t notice if you read it. I also liked getting comments on my paper from a group of people. I also think it helps to hear other people’s papers, because they may help you think of something that you forgot to include in your paper or how to word something. It is always good to learn from your mistakes as well as others. The only thing I didn’t like about the workshop was that we had to bring ten copies of my paper, but I now know that I can just single space it to try and use less paper. I also realize that my group was bigger because I was not suppose to be in it, but thank you for letting me switch.
That is really all I have for comments on the class. I think it is going good so far. It is way better than what my roommate told me about her English class last semester. I am glad I have a good teacher who can make English semi fun.

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